Eclipse LemMinX 0.16.1


  • Improve the error range for unterminated elements, and use relatedInformation to show the expected close tag placement. See #963.
  • Add setting xml.completion.autoCloseRemovesContent to prevent auto self-closing feature from deleting content. See #1009.
  • Change name of telemetry events to use .. See #1017.
  • Output the language server error stream during development. See #1019.
  • Update Guava to 30.1.1. See #1025
  • Update Xerces to 2.12.1. See #1013.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix xml.validation.noGrammar setting. See #1024.
  • Fix XML 1.1 support in the binary server. See #1027.
  • Fix revalidation commands in the binary server. See #1031.
  • Return null when receiving a request on a document before it has been opened. See #957.
  • Update the binary configuration so that the server works with an LSP 3.15 client. See #1022.
Release Date
Release Type
Service release (bug fixes only)