Eclipse RDF4J 2.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




First official release of Eclipse RDF4J. Functionally this release will be equivalent to release 4.1.2 of OpenRDF Sesame (of which this project is the successor).

RDF4J represents a mature, production-ready code base. This particular release is the first to use new package naming and the occassional class rename.

A full step-by-step discussion of migration to RDF4J for existing users of Sesame is available in the Migration Guide on

Architectural Issues

Eclipse RDF4J is the first official release of a long-established mature project (previously named OpenRDF Sesame), with a wide user base. As such, the architectural quality can be confidently stated to be mature, overall. 

The project is modular in nature and is distributed as a set of libraries (maven modules). All modules are part of the integration test suite and rigorously tested both for internal problems as well as compliance with the relevant standards specifications (i.e. relevant W3C Recommendations for RDF, SPARQL, etc.). The core modules such as the native-store and memory-store database modules, as well as the core query engines and parsers, are mature and stable. More recent extensions such as the Lucene modules, the SPIN custom reasoner, which were only first introduced in the last few Sesame releases, are currently considered to be in beta stage.

Non-Code Aspects

User documentation has been extensively updated and extended and is available on the project's community website at

End of Life

Compared to the latest previous Sesame release, RDF4J does not deprecate any major features except in the sense that some class / interface names have been changed to reflect the change in project name. For example, the class "OpenRDFException" has been deprecated in favor of "RDF4JException".  All such deprecations have been clearly marked in the Javadoc, available at .