Eclipse Sisu 0.3.0

Release Date

Sisu artifacts will be made available in the Eclipse download area and published to the Central Repository. The project also plans to provide a P2 update site using Eclipse/Tycho.


Compatibility with Sonatype Sisu

API Contract Compatibility: To comply with Eclipse Foundation requirements, all Sisu Java types/packages will be moved into the org.eclipse.sisu namespace. Two interfaces and four runtime annotations making up the primary legacy SPI will be supported. An external compatibility wrapper will be made available for users of Sonatype Sisu that require additional legacy support.

Source Compatibility: To comply with Eclipse Foundation requirements, all Sisu Java types/packages will be moved into the org.eclipse.sisu namespace. While the API will undergo some refactoring and cleanup during the move to Eclipse, only clients that use the Sisu extensions to JSR330 will need to update their imports and make minor code changes to successfully build against the new API.


None of the Sisu deliverables are internationalized, any log and exception messages use English.

Target Environments

Sisu consists of pure Java code and is expected to run on any JVM that supports Java SE 6 or newer.

This is a change to previous releases which also supported Java SE 5.

Name Date Description
M1 2014/08/24 Memory leak fixes and upgrade to ASM5 for Java8 support

Dynamic proxy support

Provide the ability to inject a dynamic proxy that delegates to the highest-ranked available implementation. Note this is not specifically tied to OSGi services or Eclipse extensions, but is a general purpose feature that can work with any publisher of bindings.
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