Eclipse AspectJ™ 1.9.0

Release Date

- support compiling and weaving of Java 9 source code

- rebased on the Java9 supporting version of Eclipse JDT (4.8.0.m5 released version)

- much faster pointcut matching for Spring AOP style use cases

- upgrade internal bytecode toolkit code to understand Java9 bytecode

- upgrade asm library dependency to a version that supports java9


Nothing is being removed/end-of-lifed although as the JDT compiler increases the minimum required java level tends to get bumped up for AspectJ, currently Java8.

Target Environments

The compiler/weaver should be run on Java8.

Name Date Description
1.9.0.RC4 2018/02/21
1.9.0.RC3 2018/02/05
1.9.0.RC2 2017/11/09
1.9.0.RC1 2017/10/20