Please see the CDT 9.6 New and Noteworthy
Nothing has changed in this release. We have begun work on replacing CDT components with those that use the LSP4E interfaces for language servers and debug adapters. We are several releases a way from deprecating any current framework.
Documentation continue to suffer from lack of contributions.
I18N rules continue to be followed allowing for localization.
Nothing else has been updated in this release.
Again, little change in this release.
Nothing is End of Life at the moment. But be aware that we are working on relacing managed build, the Debug Services Framework (DSF), and our parsers and indexer with new technologies. Nothing is immenent though.
We continue to work on completing support for C++ standards up to C++17.
Committer levels continue to be critically low. Hopefully our switch in direction to support the modern IDE architectures for language servers, debug adapters, and builders such as CMake and Meson and a new one that will support managed build, and adding support for other IDEs such as Visual Studio Code and Theia will raise interest by the adopter and contributor communities in CDT once again.