Eclipse Thym 2.0.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




Thym provides tools for Apache Cordova based Hybrid Mobile Application development. In this release, Thym has switched to use Cordova CLI directly to build and and plugin management in this release. This allows us to generate much more accurate build and plugin management and also allows the project to concentrate on the added value

This release also introduces support for Windows Cordova platform in addition to iOS, Android and WP8 platforms supported on earlier releases.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

Thym has switched to provide functionality using command line tools from Apache Cordova project. This allows Thym to be able to support the latest Cordova platform releases with ease, allowing the project to concentrate on the added value.


This release supports the following platforms.

  • iOS (XCode)
  • Android
  • Windows Phone
  • Windows
Security Issues

There are no known security issues.

Non-Code Aspects

GitHub is used for the daily development of Thym as well as the external contributions. Thym uses HIPP for builds.

Bugzilla is used for planning and bug tracking

Thym does not yet have localization/externalization.

To make it more convenient a contribution guide exists in both wiki and Github.

User documentation is limited. However, Cordova project is well documented, Thym relies on Cordova documentation for the concepts and utilizes screencasts to explain how they work while developing with Thym.


Usability Details

Thym aims to conform with Eclipse UI guidelines. We continously gather feedback and improve usability of our components. We have made several changes on the following components as a result

  • Config.xml editor
  • New Cordova project wizard


End of Life

Export platform project wizard has been discontinued and replaced with an accesible generated platfom project on the project tree.


The features of Thym closely follow the features of Apache Cordova project.


  • 3 active committers from 2 organizations
  • New platform (Windows) support contributed by IBM
  • Eclipse market place listing for adoption community growth
  • Forked 87 times on GitHub to date
  • Thym committers and contributors also participate on the Apache Cordova project to coordinate the efforts. Thym project lead (Gorkem Ercan) is also a PMC member and a committer for Apache Cordova project.
  • Thym is used by these tools to provide cross-platform mobile development


This release is part of Neon