This proposal has been approved and the Eclipse openK User Modules project has been created.
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Eclipse openK User Modules

Wednesday, May 2, 2018 - 08:25 by Jonas Tewolde
This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the community. Please login and add your feedback in the comments section.
Parent Project
Proposal State

In 2014 a group of German Distribution System Operators (DSO) started a discussion that led to the creation of the openKonsequenz initiative (OpenKONSEQUENZ). The intention of the group is to develop open source software for system operators which matches the needs of power networks in the 21st century. The main focus is to develop a modular and vendor independent IT-system which is open to different system integrators and 3rd party module providers. Further aspects are the improvement of IT-security and user experience and the reduction of development cycles and costs. The changing energy politics creates a number of new requirements concerning the flexibility, availability, security and performance, which have to be met by the technical platform.


The target of the Eclipse openK Platform is to consolidate Energy and Water Infrastructure Software (EWIS) onto a shared technical platform, to define open interfaces and reduce or optimize interfaces where applicable. The changing energy politics creates a number of new requirements concerning the flexibility, availability, security and performance, which have to be met by the technical platform. This project comprises the development of various user modules based on the Eclipse openK Platform. A user module is an end-user application which will used by end users in their daily work.


The project starts with the module Feed-In Management ("Last- und Einspeisemanagement") based on the German Electricity Feed-In Act. The future demand for electric energy is to be adapted to the supply and availability of renewable energy. Based on specific rules and parameters the Feed-In Management calculates a blueprint for electric switching stations and power plants based on renewable energy. Implementing the calculation input data is needed from electric networks, switching stations, power plants, electric demands and feed-in capabilities.

Furthermore, the project designs an IT-architecture based on the architecture draft of the DSO working group. The IT-architecture is to comply to all functional and non-functional requirements of the Feed-In Management and will support the development of further modules in the near future. The IT-architecture is based on software provided by other open source projects (e.g. application server, integration bus solution and database). The major focus of the IT-architecture is to integrate loosely coupled modules via standardized APIs.

Why Here?

An Eclipse project will garantee an open source software of quality which complies to well recognized IT-standards. Furthermore it will be open to future projects and add-ons by different vendors.

Future Work

In 2018 openKONSEQUENZ will organise workshops and meetings to identify further modules, which will be implemented on the IT-architecture developed in this project.

Project Scheduling

The modules „planned-grid-measures“ and „preparedness” will be implemented in 2018.

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