Projects in this category produce OSGi bundles.

Eclipse SMILA

Eclipse SMILA - Unified Information Access Architecture is an extensible framework for building big data and search solutions to access unstructured information in the enterprise. Besides providing essential infrastructure components and services, SMILA also delivers ready-to-use add-on components, like connectors to most relevant data sources.

Eclipse Apricot

The scope of the project is to provide developers with a reference implementation for a content repository that is accessible through APIs. It will serve as a solid and efficient base for developing

Eclipse Buckminster Component Assembly

Eclipse Buckminster is a set of frameworks and tools for automating build, assemble & deploy (BA&D) development processes in complex or distributed component-based development. Buckminster allows

g-Eclipse Technology Project

g-Eclipse is a framework that allows users and developers to access Computing Grids and Cloud Computing resources in a unified way. The framework itself is independent from a certain Grid middleware