Eclipse RDF4J 2.0

First official release of Eclipse RDF4J. Functionally this release will be equivalent to release 4.1.2 of OpenRDF Sesame (of which this project is the successor).

RDF4J represents a mature, production-ready code base. This particular release is the first to use new package naming and the occassional class rename.

A full step-by-step discussion of migration to RDF4J for existing users of Sesame is available in the Migration Guide on

Release Date
Release Type
Major release (API breakage)
Name Date Description
2.0M1 2016/05/16 First milestone build for the 2.0 release
2.0M2 2016/06/01 Stabilization: fixes of observed problems in first milestone.
2.0M3 2016/07/01 Stabilization: fixes of observed problems in previous milestone.