Eclipse RDF4J 2.0

Release Date
  • Maven artifacts of all RDF4J components (successors of equivalent Sesame artifacts)
  • Functionally complete RDF4J Server (successor of Sesame Server)
  • Functionally complete RDF4J Workbench (successor of Sesame Workbench)
  • Incorporation of new naming, logos, license, owners, etc in all distribution forms of the project



The release is functionally compatible with the final Sesame release, however due to package renaming it is not a drop-in replacement: users will have to replace package names. The details and recommended procedure are documented in the project release documentation.


Target Environments

Compatible with JRE 8.

Name Date Description
2.0M1 2016/05/16 First milestone build for the 2.0 release
2.0M2 2016/06/01 Stabilization: fixes of observed problems in first milestone.
2.0M3 2016/07/01 Stabilization: fixes of observed problems in previous milestone.