Eclipse Package Drone 0.14.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




The focus on this release is to extend the remote API and provide an initial addon manager.

Remote API The runtime has been enhanced to provide a JAX-RS based remote API. A few services already exists and it is possible to create access tokens for remote accessing Package Drone.

Addon Manager There is now an addon manager which will allow to install additional addons using OSGi's infrastructure. So if you missing some functionality, it should be possible to "just" write an addon for Package Drone.

Upload V3 The new upload API allows to provide better feedback of what got uploaded and also allows to upload multiple files at once.


End of Life

Before having a 1.0 release there will be no "End of Life" policy. The plan is to provide bug fix releases for the current release.


Package Drone supports the following repository systems:

  • OSGi
    • Eclipse P2
    • OBR
    • OSGi R5 XML Index
  • Maven 2
  • RPM / YUM
  • DEB / APT
  • NPM

Package Drone makes use of the following technologies:

  • OSGi
  • JAX-RS
  • JEE

During the last releases a small but steady stream of comments, requests, suggests and issue reports come in. Most interaction is happening on GitHub.

Package Drone was presented at the Eclipse DemoCamp for Neon in Munich.

The project also received one slot for GSoC 2016. Unfortunately the student failed and the proposed Docker adapter will not be implemented.