Eclipse IoT-Testware

It is the aim of the project to supply a rich set of TTCN-3 test suites and test cases for IoT technologies to enable developers in setting up a comprehensive test environment of their own, if needed from the beginning of a project. TTCN-3 has been defined and standardized by the European Telecommunication Standards Institute in ETSI ES 201873 and related extension packages. It is implemented and supported in Eclipse IoT by the Eclipse Titan project.

The initial contribution of IoT-Testware to Eclipse will focus on protocols like CoAP and MQTT. This list will be extended during the project. To ensure test and implementation technology independence, and the test suites will be realized in TTCN-3 and implemented with Titan. The test suites will contain tests for conformance, interoperability, performance, robustness, and security aspects.

Eclipse Titan has already protocol modules for IoT including type systems and codec. IoT-Testware will rely on these type systems and develop codec libraries and test cases based on them.

The IoT-Testware test suites will have a well-defined test suite structure (TSS) and a set of protocol implementation conformance statements (PICS) as well as protocol implementation extra information for testing (PIXIT). The work will follow the standardized approach as defined in ISO “Conformance Test Methodology and Framework” IS 9646 and the best practices as described by ETSI White Paper No 3 “Achieving Technical Interoperability – the ETSI Approach”.

History: Originally the project has been initiated in early 2017 by Prof. Dr. Ina Schieferdecker from Fraunhofer FOKUS in Berlin. We started with the two (functional) protocol testsuites for CoAP and MQTT that have been made public in summer 2017. First test purpose descriptions had been written using tables in Word files only. In autumn 2017 the ETSI TC MTS working group "TST" had been created to develop corresponding test purposes written using the ETSI notation TDL-TO (ES 203119-4). In 2018 additional work started for test case developments for OPC-UA and also further security fuzzing tests. In 2019 the fuzzing tests were revised, resulting in a fuzzing proxy approach. Furthermore, a performance solution was added. 

Latest Releases

From 2020-01-15 to 2020-01-15

Name Date Review
0.1.0 2020-01-15
Eclipse Public License 1.0

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