Election for Mickael Istria as Committer on Eclipse Common Build Infrastructure

Role Type

I would like to nominate Mickael Istria for committer on CBI project.
He is currently working on switching Simrel to use Tycho instead of B3 and Simrel building code lies in CBI project. Considering that he is one of the most active guys in Tycho, Simrel, EPP, P2 and etc. having him in CBI will significantly help in streamlining processes for all Eclipse projects.
Hit contributions so far are:
Repository org.eclipse.cbi.p2repo.aggregator:
7e88c87c (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Fix generation of category.xml file
a4ec37fa Bug 501424 - Generate equivalent pom.xml and category.xml
f9fd3bd9 Bug 528872 - Update to newer p2
9eaf23b8 (origin/initialTransfer) 485574: Allow setting of multiple versions at once
c196faf5 Suggest version in VersionRange dialog

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Alexander Kurtakov +1 +1 implied by nomination
Frederic Gurr +1
Mikaël Barbero +1 Welcome!
Denis Roy +1 Thank you!

PMC Approval

  • Wayne Beaton (+1) Welcome!