This proposal has been approved and the Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE project has been created.
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Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 - 18:12 by Sebastian Scholze
This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the community. Please login and add your feedback in the comments section.
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Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE project originated from the European SmartCLIDE [1] project. The concept for the IDE is described in [2], the architecture is described in [3]. All services developed within SmartCLIDE are open-source and are licensed under the Eclipse licensing scheme.

The SmartCLIDE research project aims to bridge the gap between on-demand business strategies and the lack of qualified software professionals by creating a new cloud native IDE that makes it easier to develop and deploy cloud services. The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, and involves a consortium of 11 partners from Germany, Greece, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom.



[2] D1.4 SmartCLIDE Concept (

[3] D1.5 SmartCLIDE Architecture (


Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE extends Eclipse Theia to provide a development environment that makes it easy to create, compose, test and deploy data-centric full-stack services and applications in the cloud. In addition to providing high levels of abstraction at all stages (development, testing, deployment and execution), Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE makes it easy for IaaS and SaaS service self-discovery.

The project covers the architecture, front-end and back-end services of the cloud-based IDE. 


The Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE is based on Eclipse Theia, which provides all of the tools necessary for development. Theia consists of a rich interface with a vast range of features that accelerate deployment of cloud services, improve their quality, and expand the skills of novice and experienced developers.

The main features of the Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE include:

  • Life cycle support. Software follows a life cycle, from feature specification to solution deployment. Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE provides the specific tools required at each life-cycle stage. For example, at the development stage, Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE provides data sources, data transformations, graphics visualization artifacts, and general-purpose abstractions and patterns that can be combined to implement features.
  • Insightful source code monitoring. Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE includes visualization features that help developers gain deeper understanding of the source code. It dynamically shows the meaning of expressions or code flow at low levels of granularity. It also allows developers to compare different software states, perform state changes that are reflected dynamically, and create new abstractions that can be easily reused.
  • CI/CD integration. Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE enables integration with widely used CI/CD tools such as GitHub and GitLab.

The Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE also includes innovative features that leverage the power of a deep learning engine:

  • Development by demonstration and text notation. Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE automatically retrieves resources that are considered relevant for the new development. The end user can use text notation to enhance the description of the retrieved behaviour or algorithm. The deep learning engine then uses these notations to suggest programmatic solutions that result in the desired output.
  • Automatic software classification. The deep learning engine automatically identifies and classifies existing and new software abstractions that can be visualized in the IDE for reuse based on the purpose or behaviour defined by the end user.
  • Continuous integration and deployment assistance. End users are guided through each life cycle stage, ensuring the code generated has been properly tested, accurately integrated within the corresponding development branch, and automatically deployed in the selected cloud service. These capabilities align with the end-to-end responsibilities associated with the DevOps philosophy.
Why Here?

The Eclipse Foundation licensing scheme was considered already within the H2020 SmartCLIDE project as a good candidate for future development. The Eclipse Foundation was chosen as a partner for the open-source efforts of the SmartCLIDE project, being involved already in the H2020 SmartCLIDE research project. There are several Eclipse projects we wish to cooperate with, including Eclipse Che, ... among others.

Future Work

To grow the community of Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE, its development will be presented in research publications at conferences and journals, in technical workshops, booths, and hackathons or similar events. The newsletter of the publicly funded SmartCLIDE project will also be used to spread the Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE developments. Additionally, the involved partners of the publicly funded SmartCLIDE project will utilize Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE for their developments and include it for customer related projects. To this end, a specific process for deploying an Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE instance on-premises environments is being drafted and will be published in the Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE documentation page. This process will include a series of prerequisite steps (e.g., installing neccesary software tools) as well as a series of appropriate scripts for deployment.

Project Scheduling
  • The initial contribution is expected by Q4 2022 (that will be Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE v0.1)
  • A next release is expected by the end of H2020 SmartCLIDE project, namely Q1 2023 (that will be Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE v0.2)
  • A release cycle for Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE is planned for every 3 months (Q2 2023 - v0.3, Q3 2023 - v0.4)
  • By the end of Q4 2023, v1.0 of Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE will be released
Interested Parties
  • Institut für angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen GmbH (ATB), Germany
  • INTRASOFT International SA (INTRA), Luxembourg
  • Fundacion Instituto Internacionale de Investigacion en Intelligencia Artificial y Ciencias de la Computacion (AIR), Spain
  • University of Macedonia (UoM), Greece
  • Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (CERTH), Greece
  • The Open Group Ltd (TOG), United Kingdom
  • Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH (ECLIPSE), Germany
  • Wellness Telecom SL (WT), Spain
  • Unparallel Innovation LDA (UNP), Portugal
  • CONTACT Software GmbH (CONTACT), Germany
  • Kairos Digital, Analytics and Big Data Solutions SL (KAIROS DS), Spain
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