Eclipse EMF Client Platform 1.0.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




This is the first official release of the EMF Client Platform. It delivers the descriped features and focusses on stability and a defined API.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

The architecture of the EMF Client Platform has been continuously revised and improved over the incubation phase. Based on the feedback and contributions from committers from other projects such as CDO, Texo and e(fx)eclipse, we ensure a good compability with related projects. The API and extension point has been envolved in several pilot projects. All code components are extensible. Furthermore, the architecture of the EMF Client Platform is very moldular and consists of independant components and services. Therefore, the framework is ready to be used with the Eclipse 4 platform.

We currently see no strong overlap with any other Eclipse project.

Security Issues

There were until now no security related bug report. The nature of the project (client framework) is not really relevant for security issues.

Non-Code Aspects

We have updated and re-written the complete documentation available on the project's website. We have prepared atricles for the Eclipse Magazine and the Eclipse newsletter to be published next month. We have prepared a blog series describing a continuous programming example, which will be published after the release.

All Old material on the project's homepage has been marked as deprecated.

Usability Details

Much of the development effort for the release 1.0 release has been spent into usability improvement based on user feedback. The release follows the UI guidelines. The stability of the UI components is validated in over 80 UI tests.

End of Life



There are no relevant standards for the EMF Client Platform.


The project has already several users, visible in newsgroup posts and bug reports. We have recieved contributions from various parties and 8 active committers from 3 organizations. The EMF Client Platform has been presented on various democamps and on EclipseCon. We are activly collaborating with the Eclipse projects EMFSTore, CDO, Texo and e(fx)eclipse.

Release Review