Eclipse MDM|BL 5.0.0

This is the first review for this project and we want to graduate.

We start with 5.0 as there is a predecessor called openMDM 4.

  • openMDM application model definition for the ASAM ODS 5 standard
  • connections to mulitiple ASAM ODS compatible data sources via configuration
  • full text search over all data sources
  • angular web front end for browsing and searching data
  • RESTfull APIs for business logic
  • headless operation possible
  • CRUD operations for administrative objects
  • Delegated roles and rights with backend connectors
Release Date
Release Type
Major release (API breakage)
Name Date Description
V0.7 2017/07/21 Feature extennsions for shopping basket and search
V0.8 2017/09/08 Enhancement of error handling an bug fixes.
V0.9 2017/11/24 Refactoring entity classes and relationships.
V0.10 2018/02/23 Shopping basket export funtionality.
5.0.0M1 2018/06/04 Notification Service Implementation vis OMG Specs
5.0.0M2 2018/07/23 Lib updates and bug fixing
5.0.0M3 2018/09/10 CRUD operations for administrative objects
5.0.0M4 2018/10/01 Delegated roles and rights with backend connectors
5.0.0M5 2018/10/19 Switch to from EPL 1.0 to EPL 2.0