Eclipse SUMO™

Eclipse Simulation of Urban Mobility (Eclipse SUMO™) is a free and open traffic simulation toolsuite. SUMO allows modelling and analyzing intermodal traffic systems, including road vehicles, public transport, cargo logistics and pedestrians. Included with SUMO is a wealth of supporting tools, which handle tasks like route finding, visualization, network import and emission calculation. SUMO can be enhanced with custom models and it provides various APIs to remotely control and influence the simulation.

Traffic simulations facilitate the evaluation of infrastructure changes as well as policy changes before implementing them in the real world. For example, the effectiveness of environmental zones in cities or the efficiency of traffic light control algorithms can be tested and optimized in a traffic simulation before being deployed in the real world.

Eclipse SUMO™ comprises of a graphical user interface and a variety of external programs for pre- and post-processing. Its core components are:

  • SUMO: command line simulation
  • GUISIM: simulation with a graphical user interface
  • NETCONVERT: network importer
  • NETGEN: abstract networks generator
  • OD2TRIPS: converter from O/D matrices to trips
  • JTRROUTER: routes generator based on turning ratios at intersections
  • DUAROUTER: routes generator based on a dynamic user assignment
  • DFROUTER: route generator with use of detector data
  • MAROUTER: macroscopic user assignment based on capacity functions
  • NETEDIT: Visual editor for street networks, traffic lights, detectors, and further network elements

SUMO is developed in C++ and Python. It runs on Windows, Linux and macOS. You can find more information in the project wiki.

Latest Releases

From 2023-02-21 to 2019-05-10

Name Date Review
1.16.0 2023-02-21
1.10.0 2021-08-25
1.6.0 2020-05-05
1.5.0 2020-03-02
1.3.1 2019-09-27
1.2.0 2019-05-10
Eclipse Public License 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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