Eclipse SUMO™


The Eclipse SUMO™ project provides an open microscopic and mesoscopic traffic simulator. It can be used to model, analyse, simulate, optimize and forecast traffic with a focus on:

  • Vehicle movements (cars, busses, ...),
  • Pedestrian movements,
  • Train movements (rail, urban rail, tram, ...),
  • Traffic light schedules, and
  • Vehicle emissions.

Furthermore, it contains tools to:

  • Import network data from various sources, such as OpenStreetMap
  • Model traffic demand and traffic assignment,
  • Compute routes for vehicles,
  • Compute multimodal and intermodal routes for persons in urban areas,
  • Dynamically influence the simulation,
  • Provide an infrastructure for simulator coupling
Name Date
1.16.0 2023-02-21
1.10.0 2021-08-25
1.6.0 2020-05-05
1.5.0 2020-03-02
1.3.1 2019-09-27
1.2.0 2019-05-10