- AAS meta model implementation
- Native Python classes for simple creation and manipulation of AAS data in Python
- fully compliant with the metamodel specification v3.0; Python classes closely resemble meta model classes in terms of class names, attributes and constructor arguments
- Exception: No HasDataSpecification support
- collection of example objects for testing custom applications
- functionality for resolving AAS Reference objects to AAS model elements from different sources
- "Backend" system for synchronizing AAS model elements' data with external data sources
- additional attribute to specify data source of individual AAS objects
- unified interface for synchronizing AAS objects recursively with the respective data source
- interface for implementing support for custom data source types
- CouchDB backend for storing and synchronizing AAS objects with an Apache CouchDB
- fully typed Python code, using Python 3.5 type annotations, compatible with recent MyPy versions
- AAS data serialization and deserialization
- AASX packages (Open Package Conventions)
- fully compliant with the metamodel specification v3.0; tested and compatible with other Eclipse BaSyx SDKs
- documentation and usage example (tutorial) scripts
- compliance checking command-line tool `aas_compliance_check`
- check AAS XML, JSON and AASX files for syntactical and semantic standard-compliance
- create standard-compliant sample XML, JSON and AASX files for testing a custom deserialization implementation
- compare two XML, JSON or AASX files for equivalent contents
- server: Docker container for running an AAS, AAS Repository or AAS Submodel Repository Server.
Since the v3.0 release of the metamodel specification is "stable", we expect compatibility with all other v3.x versions of the metamodel specification. However, we plan to provide further support for upcoming v3.x versions of the specification in the form of 1.x.x releases, if necessary.