Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF)


The Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework (ESMF) project develops the Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM) and accompanying ontologies and tooling to create, manage, and leverage Aspect Models for defining the semantics of submodels in the Asset Administration Shell.

The Eclipse ESMF project is focusing on the following features / functionalities:

  • Specification: A written specification of the Semantic Aspect Meta Model and its usage
  • Meta Model: An implementation of SAMM
  • Different SDKs: Software Development Kits to work with SAMM models, e.g. in Java, JavaScript and Phython
  • Command Line Interface: A Command Line Interface to validate, process and transform SAMM models
  • Aspect Model Editor: A visual editor to create, edit and validate SAMM models
  • I4.0 Core Information Model:  A common and standardized definition of relevant manufacturing entities, their attributes, and relationships, including their semantic meaning
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Name Date
Creation Review 2022-12-07