Eclipse Digital Twin


The Eclipse Digital Twin Top-Level Project supports projects at the Eclipse Foundation focusing on the implementation of solutions, prototypes and supporting software of digital twin technology . 

The envisioned efforts include the following areas:

  • Modelling and building digital twins based on open standards and technologies

  • Modelling and consuming of existing and new open standards for the information provided via digital twins (dictionaries and semantic models/ontologies) components and modules for digital twins

  • Infrastructural components for developing and operating digital twins 

  • Graphical User Interfaces for visualizing and interacting with digital twins

  • Backend adapters for gathering data provided via digital twins in standardized formats

  • Connection of digital twins with existing semantic dictionaries and ontologies

  • Usage of digital twins in federated infrastructures

  • Support of static (master data), dynamic (runtime) and behavioural data across the complete life cycle of an asset represented by a digital twin

  • Lifecycle Management of digital twins

  • Support of different development, testing, deployment, and operation strategies of digital twins

  • Integration of digital twins with other technologies 

  • Development examples and demonstrators of digital twins and tools

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