Eclipse Dirigible™ 2.2

Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
Name Date Description
2.2.M1 2015/11/17 Bugfixes and refactoring; Local Repository implementation - initial
2.2.M2 2015/12/17 Multiple DataSources support + Injected API + Code Completion + Preferences Integration of MongoDB as NoSQL datasource Local File System based Repository stabilisation and setting as default Templating Service (Velocity syntax) + Injected API + Code Completion Master Repository Provider concept Git based Master Repository implementation RDBMS based Master Repository implementation File System (Shared FS) based Master Repository implementation Hide Activate (sandboxing) functionality by default Bugfixes and refactoring
2.2.M3 2016/01/13 Adaptation of UI templates to use the widget types meta-data - date, integer and float Custom templates feature in generation wizards Java services isolation by root package Datasources dialiects optimization Bugfixes and refactoring...