The Docker/Console support will be part of the 6.0.0 release however testing will occur first on an isolated orion.eclipse.org server to understand any security implications not uncovered during development. Committers and contributors with accounts there will excercise this functionality before deploying to OrionHub.
See Docker description under Architectural Issue.
Orion continues to benefit from company testing of Global Verification and Translation Verification. Orion is part of the Babel project as well. Orion's additional support of live Markdown editing was done to begin work on moving Documentation to MarkDown format.
Orion has also been experimenting with a drive towards Continuous Delivery - more info can be found here http://planetorion.org/news/2014/06/orion-6-0-continuous-delivery/
Many improvements were made to the Orion UI around Git workflows, the Search Page and the Settings Page. Navigation improvements with respect to the sidebar have been improved.
No end-of-live issues in this release. There is an increment to a new Server meta-data storage as the default however backwards compatibility remains.
The Orion team participates in W3C/WhatWG and ECMA standards and working groups (TC39). Examples of standards being developed in parallel to Orion implementations include HTML Templates, LocalFileSystem, URI Templates, and Promises. The Plugin model for Orion has also been proposed as a standard within OSGi. Some work has begun on Web Components with Orion.
Orion continues to grow both the committer and contributor bases. Participation in UCOSP, Google Summer of Code and Facebook Open Academy has introduced many developers in University to Cloud Coding. Orion is currently listed as the most active Eclipse project and in the top 2% of all projects recorded at Ohloh. Orion committers and contributors continue to present about Orion and now the integration with Flux at conferences and Eclipse Days.