- Updated `example-browser` and `example-electron` applications to remove extensions which are instead contributed by VS Code builtin extensions [#6883](https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/pull/6883)
- Extensions removed from the example applications are deprecated and will be removed in the future. If adopters/extenders would like to continue
using the deprecated extensions, they must be self-maintained and can be accessed through the repository's Git history.
- In order to fetch plugins remotely, the `@theia/cli` script `download:plugins` can be used:
- In your `package.json` you can define:
- `theiaPluginDir`: to specify the folder in which to download plugins, in respect to your `package.json`
- `theiaPlugins`: to specify the list of plugins in the form of `"id": "url"`
- [core] renamed method `registerComositionEventListeners()` to `registerCompositionEventListeners()` [#6961](https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/pull/6961)
- [callhierarchy] changed CallHierarchyService to align with VS Code API:
- Use LanaguageSelector instead of language id
- Use position instead of range for lookup of root symbol
- Changed data structures to be like VS Code API
- [core] removed `virtual-renderer`. `react-renderer` should be used instead [#6885](https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/pull/6885)
- [core] removed `virtual-widget`. `react-widget` should be used instead [#6885](https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/pull/6885)
- [task] renamed method `getStrigifiedTaskSchema()` has been renamed to `getStringifiedTaskSchema()` [#6780](https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/pull/6780)
- [task] renamed method `reorgnizeTasks()` has been renamed to `reorganizeTasks()` [#6780](https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/pull/6780)
- Support VS Code icon and color theming. [#6475](https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/pull/6475)
- Theming: Before `input`, `textarea`, `select` and `button` elements were styled in an ad-hoc manner, i.e.
some were styled globally for a tag, other per a component and third with a dedicated css class name.
Now Theia does not style these elements by default, but an extension developer should decide.
Theia comes though with predefined css class names: `theia-input`, `theia-select` and `theia-button`
to style input/textarea, select and button elements correspondingly. Existing components were refactored to use them.
- Theming: Theia css colors are replaced with [VS Code colors](https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/theme-color).
- One can reference VS Code color in css by prefixing them with `--theia` and replacing all dots with dashes.
For example `widget.shadow` color can be referenced in css with `var(--theia-widget-shadow)`.
- One can resolve a current color value programmatically with `ColorRegistry.getCurrentColor`.
- One can load a new color theme:
- in the frontend module to enable it on startup
id: 'myDarkTheme',
label: 'My Dark Theme',
uiTheme: 'vs-dark',
json: require('./relative/path/to/my_theme.json'),
includes: {
'./included_theme.json': require('./relative/path/to/included_theme.json')
- later from a file:
protected readonly monacoThemeService: MonacoThemingService;
id: 'myDarkTheme',
label: 'My Dark Theme',
uiTheme: 'vs-dark',
uri: 'file:///absolute/path/to/my_theme.json'
- or install from a VS Code extension.
- One should not introduce css color variables anymore or hardcode colors in css.
- One can contribute new colors by implementing `ColorContribution` contribution point and calling `ColorRegistry.register`.
It's important that new colors are derived from existing VS Code colors if one plans to allow installation of VS Code extension contributing color themes.
Otherwise, there is no guarantee that new colors don't look alien for a random VS Code color theme.
One can derive from an existing color, just by plainly referencing it, e.g. `dark: 'widget.shadow'`,
or applying transformations, e.g. `dark: Color.lighten('widget.shadow', 0.4)`.
- One can though specify values, without deriving from VS Code colors, for new colors in their own theme.
See for example, how [Light (Theia)](packages/monaco/data/monaco-themes/vscode/light_theia.json) theme overrides colors for the activity bar.
- Labeling: `LabelProvider.getIcon` should be sync and fast to avoid blocking rendering and icon caching.
One has to pass more specific elements to get a more specific icon. For example, one cannot answer precisely from a URI
whether a folder or a file icon should be used. If a client wants to get a proper result then it should pass `FileStat` for example or
provide own `LabelProviderContribution` which derives `FileStat` from a custom data structure and then calls `LabelProvider.getIcon` again.
- Labeling: `LabelProviderContribution` methods can return `undefined` meaning that the next contribution should be tried.
- Tree: `TreeNode.name`, `TreeNode.description` and `TreeNode.icon` are deprecated and will be removed later.
One has to provide `LabelProviderContribution` implementation for a custom tree node structure.
Before these attributes have to be computed for all nodes and stored as a part of the layout.
From now on they will be computed only on demand for visible nodes.
It decreases requirements to the local storage and allows to invalidate node appearance by simply rerendering a tree.
- [application-manager] `ApplicationPackageManager.start*` methods return an instance of a server child process instead of promise.
- [cli] Generated webpack config is renamed to `gen-webpack.config.js`.
`webpack.config.js` is generated only once. It can be edited by users to custoimze bundling,
but should be based on `gen-webpack.config.js` to pick any changes in the generated config.
If it does not have a reference to `gen-webpack.config.js` then it will be regenerated.
- [debug] removed `@theia/json` dependency. Applications should explicitly depend on `@theia/json` instead [#6647](https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/pull/6647)
- [preferences] removed `@theia/json` dependency. Applications should explicitly depend on `@theia/json` instead [#6647](https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/pull/6647)