Eclipse Ditto™ 2.1.0

Eclipse Ditto 2.1.0 includes the following topics/enhancements:

  • Support consuming messages from Apache Kafka -> completing the Apache Kafka integration as fully supported Ditto managed connection type
  • Conditional requests (updates + retrievals)
  • Enrichment of extra fields for ThingDeleted events
  • Support for using (HTTP) URLs in Thing and Feature "definition" fields, e.g. linking to WoT (Web of Things) Thing Models
  • HMAC based authentication for Ditto managed connections, see Blogpost
  • SASL authentication for Azure IoT Hub
  • Publishing of connection opened/closed announcements
  • Addition of new "misconfigured" status category for managed connections indicating that e.g. credentials are wrong or connection to endpoint could not be established to to configuration problems
  • Support "at least once" delivery for policy subject expiry announcements

The following notable fixes are included:

  • Fix "search-persited" acknowledgement not working for thing deletion
  • Fix reconnect loop to MQTT brokers when using separate MQTT publisher client 

The following non-functional work is also included:

  • Support for tracing reporting traces to an "Open Telemetry" endpoint
  • Improving cluster failover and coordinated shutdown + rolling updates
  • Logging improvements, e.g. configuring a logstash server to send logs to or more options to configure a logging file appender
  • Improving background deletion of dangling DB journal entries / snapshots based on the current MongoDB load
  • Improving search update by applying "delta updates" saving lots of bandwith to MongoDB
  • Reducing cluster communication for search updates using a smart cache
Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
Name Date Description
2.1.0-M1 2021/06/23
2.1.0-M2 2021/07/05
2.1.0-M3 2021/07/13