Eclipse Ditto™ 2.4.0

Eclipse Ditto 2.4.0 includes the following topics/enhancements:

  • W3C WoT (Web of Things) integration
  • SSE (ServerSentEvent) API for subscribing to messages
  • Recovery status for connections indicating when e.g. recovery is no longer tried after max backoff
  • Enhance placeholders to resolve to multiple values
  • Advanced JWT placeholder operations
  • Support for a wildcard/placeholder identifying the changed feature in order to enrich e.g. its definition

The following notable fixes are included:

  • Several fixes and improvements regarding consistency and performance of search updates
  • Don't publish messages with failed enrichments and issue failed ack
  • Filter for incorrect element types in jsonArray of feature definitions
  • Fix of placeholder resolvment in "commandHeaders" of "ImplicitThingCreation" mapper
  • Fix fn:substring-after() function returning incorrect data

The following non-functional work is also included:

  • Upgrade of compiler target level for service modules from Java 11 to Java 17
  • Switch of used Java runtime in pre-built Docker containers from OpenJ9 to Hotspot
  • Publication of pre-built multi-architecture Docker images for `linux/amd64` (as always) and now in addition `linux/arm64`
  • Removal of rate limiting / throttling limits as default
  • Update of several used dependencies
Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
Name Date Description
2.4.0-M1 2022/03/25