Eclipse Ditto™ 3.4.0

Eclipse Ditto 3.4.0 focuses on the following areas:

  • Supporting HTTP POST for performing searches with a very long query
  • Addition of a new placeholder to use in connections to use payload of the thing JSON e.g. in headers or addresses
  • New placeholder functions for joining multiple elements into a single string and doing URL-encoding and -decoding
  • Configure MQTT message expiry interval for published messages via a header
  • Reduce patch/merge thing commands to modify only the actually changed values with a new option
  • UI enhancements:
    • Adding sending messages to Things
    • Made UI (at least navigation bar) responsive for small screen sizes
    • Increase size of JSON editors in “edit” mode

The following non-functional work is also included:

  • Swapping the Akka toolkit (because of its switch of license to BSL License after Akka v2.6.x) with its fork Apache Pekko which remains Apache 2.0 licensed.
  • Support for using AWS DocumentDB as a replacement for MongoDB
  • Improve logging by adding the W3C Trace Context traceparent header as MDC field to logs
  • Adjust handling of special MQTT headers in MQTT 5
  • Optimize docker files
  • Migration of Ditto UI to TypeScript
  • There now is an official Eclipse Ditto Benchmark which shows how Ditto is able to scale horizontally and provides some tuning tips
  • Addition of a benchmark tooling to run own Ditto benchmarks

The following notable fixes are included:

  • Fixed that failed retrieval of a policy (e.g. after policy change) leads to search index being “emptied out”
  • Fixed that putting metadata when updating a single scalar value did not work
  • UI fix, fixing that patching a thing will null values did not reflect that change in the UI
Release Date
Release Type
Minor release