Eclipse Ditto™ 3.5.0

Eclipse Ditto 3.5.0 focuses on the following areas:

  • Search in the history of a single thing using an RQL filter
  • Configure per namespace the fields to index in Ditto’s search index
  • Configure defined search count queries to be exposed as Prometheus metrics by Ditto periodically
  • Providing new placeholder functionality to the time placeholder, being able to add and subtract to/from the current time and to truncate the time to a given unit
  • Enhance WoT (Web of Things) JSON skeleton creation to be able to fail with an exception on invalid WoT models
  • Provide negative numbers when querying for the historical events of an entity (thing, policy, connection) in order to e.g. get “latest 10” events
  • UI enhancements:
    • Show policy imports in Ditto explorer UI
    • Enhance UI Operations functionality to be able to perform devops/piggyback commands
    • Allow editors in UI to toggle full screen mode
    • Display attributes in UI inside a JSON editor in order to correctly display structured JSON payloads
    • Enhance “Incoming Thing Updates” section by displaying “Action” and “Path” in the table and adding a dropdown to select the amount of details to show per event
    • Add client side filter option for filtering Incoming Thing Updates and Connection logs

The following non-functional work is also included:

  • Configured docker-compose to by default retain only the last 50m of log messages per Ditto service
  • Migrated SLF4J to version 2.x and logback to version 1.4.x
  • Benchmark tool improvements and fixes
  • Improve cluster stability when running in Kubernetes, e.g. on updates or k8s node-shutdowns

The following notable fixes are included:

  • Fix enriching Thing creation events with the inlined _policy
  • Fixed that Ditto’s own calculated “health” was not exposed to the /alive endpoint scraped by Kubernetes to check for aliveness of single services
  • Fixed that no cache was used when updating the search index when an “imported” policy was modified
Release Date
Release Type
Minor release