Eclipse hawkBit 0.3.0

Eclipse hawkBit release including:

  • OpenApi (Swagger) support - This feature enables our Management API and Direct Device Integration API to be available in the newly integrated Swagger.
  • Retry of a Rollout - This new feature enables a rollout to be retried only over failed targets after being completed.
  • User Consent Flow
  • Management API: New Resource Collection `/rest/v1/actions`
  • Manually Trigger the Next Rollout Group


Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
Name Date Description
0.3.0M3 2019/05/23
0.3.0M4 2019/06/19
0.3.0M5 2019/07/30
0.3.0M6 2020/01/17
0.3.0M7 2021/02/17
0.3.0M8 2023/04/20
0.3.0M9 2023/08/24