Eclipse Hono 2.0.0

Release Date
  • Kafka as the preferred (and default) implementation of the Messaging Network
  • Command Router API and implementation as replacement of the original Device Connection component
  • A new Picocli based command line interface (CLI) which makes interaction with Hono's AMQP protocol adapter and the north bound APIs much easier.

No breaking changes have been introduced to Hono's external APIs, existing clients can therefore still be used with Hono 2.0.0.

However, there are a few breaking changes to the way that some aspects of the components are configured. This is mainly due to the fact that all components are now based on the Quarkus framework which already covers some of the aspects like health checks and Vert.x configuration which had been configured in a more generic way before. The corresponding changes are reflected by the 2.0.0 release notes.

In addition, many internal classes have been moved to different modules and many modules have been renamed and/or removed as part of the migration from Spring Boot to Quarkus. This should have no impact on the external behavior of a Hono installation but might require refactoring of code that depends on Hono's internal classes.

Target Environments

Hono is implemented as a set of micro services. The primary artifacts are Docker images which can be deployed to arbitrary container orchestration frameworks. In particular, Hono supports deployment to Kubernetes, OpenShift by means of a Helm chart which is maintained in the Eclipse IoT Packages project.