LocationTech GeoWave 1.2.0

The following improvements are planned for the GeoWave 1.2.0 release:

  • New aggregations including a Geohash aggregation implementation
  • FileSystem DataStore supporting direct local, S3 and HDFS as a DataStore
  • Kerberos Support for Accumulo
  • Expose Cassandra cluster configuration options 
  • Using a single instance of RocksDB for reads and writes
  • Support for reverse iteration range scan by Data ID for the DataStores that support reverse iteration
  • Update pygw to support remote gateways
  • Various bug fixes to include:
    • Fix issue with deleting when using secondary indexing
    • Error creating spatial_temporal index on DynamoDB store
    • Unconventional type names cause issues in vector query language
    • Time Bounds Handling through GeoWaveFeatureReader
    • Fix intermittent secondary index IT failures
    • Handled empty read in rocksdb gracefully as no-op
    • Thread-safe use of HashBiMap to avoid any race conditions
Release Date
Release Type
Minor release