Eclipse Acceleo

In order to contribute to the Acceleo project, first clone the git repository of the project. Once you have the source code, download a classic version of the latest release of Eclipse and install the following tools:

From the official update site of your Eclipse,<release-name>:

    Eclipse Modeling Framework SDK

From the Eclipse marketplace:


Import in your Eclipse the projects located in the plugins repository to retrieve the main bundles of the Acceleo projects.


The Acceleo project is built with Maven, Tycho on a dedicated Hudson instance. In order to build the Acceleo project, use the following command:

mvn clean verify deploy:deploy -P$PLATFORM -Pcheckstyle -Pstatic-checks -Pquality --fail-at-end -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -X

With one of the following value insteda of $PLATFORM: platform-luna, platform-kepler, platform-juno, platform:indigo.
GitHub Organization

You can use the code from these repositories to experiment, test, build, create patches, issue pull requests, etc.

eclipse-acceleo - Project repository hosted on GitHub.

Build Technologies
Build Links Build Status
Jenkins Acceleo 4
Jenkins Acceleo 3.7