Eclipse Acceleo 3.0.0



This document lays out the feature and API set for the 3.0.0 release of the M2T Acceleo project. The Acceleo component is an open source component under the Eclipse Modeling / Model-To-Text (M2T) project. Its primary goal is to provide an implementation of the MOF Model-To-Text OMG standard. For Helios, this is the first time we plan to graduate under Eclipse. We also plan to grow the version number from 1.0.0 to 3.0.0 because the last release of Acceleo outside of Eclipse was the 2.7.0 version ( We are also in the process of transferring the community, and for a community point of view, it is clearer to graduate and set the new Eclipse version as 3.0.0.

This release is part of Helios