Eclipse Amalgam


The Eclipse Amalgamâ„¢ project provides integrations and improved packaging of Modeling projects, through the use of product definition builds and the Eclipse Packaging Project. Configurations are driven by community demand and offer additional usability offerings when working with several Modeling projects. Specifically, the Amalgamation project provides:

  • Modeling package downloads with update site for commercial vendor consumption of modeling technologies
  • A Modeling product download with focus on "toolsmith" functionality (e.g. EMF/GMF/M2M/M2T/TMF SDKs)
  • A Modeling product download with focus on "practitioner" functionality (e.g. UML diagramming)
  • A unified set of modeling capability definitions with Welcome screen activation/deactivation
  • A Modeling project type with facilities to add/remove modeling-related natures and builders
  • Integration and UI features that don't "fit" within individual Modeling projects
Name Date
1.14.0 2024-04-30
1.13.0 2022-07-22
1.12.1 2021-06-01
1.12.0 2020-12-17
1.11.0 2019-09-25
1.10.1 2019-05-10
1.9.2 2018-12-03
1.9.1 2018-11-19
1.10.0 2018-11-19
1.9.0 2018-03-08
1.8.0 2017-06-22
1.7.0 2016-06-22
1.6.0 2015-06-24
1.5.0 2014-06-25
1.4.0 2013-06-26
1.3.0 2012-06-27
1.2.0 2011-06-22
1.1.0 2010-06-23
1.0.0 2009-09-30