An update of EcoreTools bringing the following changes :
- a beter integration with xCore
- improved tooling for EEnums and EEnumLiterals
- a rework of the live validation infrastructure providing better performances
- a split of ui/nonui parts enabliing the use of EcoreTools in an headless environment
- the use of the new Acceleo Query Language interpreter.
- and bugfixes
The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".
EcoreTools is built using Tycho/CBI on the Sirius HIPP when the SCM polling sees a change from the last build. The results are automatically published in P2 repository available for consumption.
Gerrit is used for almost all contributions, with a corresponding validation job on the Sirius HIPP.
Tests have been added to check for the consistency of the diagram editor specification.
The 1.x code and bundles are no longer built and provided for the community in the 3.0 release.