Eclipse EEF 1.6.0 will bring a brand new runtime and language in order to build your user interface. In this new version, the language will be less coupled with the metamodel of the user and with a similar approach as Eclipse Sirius, as such it will provide highly dynamic mechanisms to build an user interface.
This new approach will be based on an interpreted language, contrary to the old one which relied on generated code. You will also be able to use various kind of expressions based, for example, on the latest version of the AQL (Acceleo Query Language).
This new version of EEF will also let you customize declaratively advanced concepts like the style or layout of your user interface.
For the users of the "old" approach, don't worry, the old version (1.5.x) will still be released along this new one and the new version is contained in different plugins than the old one, as such both versions can be installed without conflicts.
Name | Date | Description |
M4 | 2015/12/11 | This milestone will contain the brand new version of the Eclipse EEF language along with the basic concepts of the architecture. The Sirius bridge will be able to add new concepts in the odesign file. The Sirius project will provide us with a Sirius-independent query API. This milestone will also have the first version of a fully functional text field and it will deliver the support for semantic candidates for pages and groups. |
M5 | 2016/01/29 | In this milestone, we will add the support of various other widgets (checkbox, combo, label, radio, etc). We will also add the support for dynamic mappings along with the first version of the default rules used to create the user interface from scratch in the Sirius bridge. |
M6 | 2016/03/16 | This milestone will deliver the support for custom widgets and validation. The first version of the styling will also be included. |
M7 | 2016/05/16 | This milestone will include the support for quick fixes, new widget like the hyperlink or the reference widget and the styling of the group. The language will also be improved to support various containers and layout to create a complex use interface. |
RC1 | 2016/05/18 | This first release candidate will include an updated documentation and some fixes for the bugs detected during review of the M7 milestone. |
RC2 | 2016/05/25 | This second release candidate will include the latest fixes for the issues detected by the aggregation report along with some last-minute fixes. |