Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge 0.6.0

EMF Diff/Merge is a diff/merge tool for models. Its main purpose is to help build higher-level tools that need to merge models based on consistency rules. GUI components and sample higher-level tools, such as support for modeling patterns, are also provided. Typical usages include model refactoring, iterative model transformations, bridges between models or modeling tools, collaborative modeling environments, or versioning systems.

This is the Neon release of EMF Diff/Merge. It includes contributions related to the integration with Eclipse Team and Eclipse SCM clients (EGit, Subversive).

Release Date
Release Type
Major release (API breakage)
This release is part of Neon
Name Date Description
M4 2015/12/15
M5 2016/02/02
M6 2016/03/22
M7 2016/05/03
RC1 2016/05/17
RC2 2016/05/24
RC3 2016/05/31
RC4 2016/06/07
Neon 2016/06/22