Eclipse Generation Factories (EGF) 1.2.0

EGF (Eclipse Generation Factories) is a software factory tool with the purpose to generate software artifacts, such as code or application. EGF provides two generation portfolios as examples: 1) an Enhancement of the EMF Generation, 2) a  Build EGF Portofolio wich is a build editor and generator for Hudson/Jenkins and Buckminster as target. Additional language taks (i.e., Acceleo 2, Jython, JRuby) can be downloaded from EGF EclipseLabs.

Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
This release is part of Luna
Name Date Description
M1 2013/08/21
M2 2013/10/02
M3 2013/11/13
M4 2013/12/20
M5 2014/01/31
M6 2014/03/14 API Freeze
M7 2014/05/09 Feature Freeze
RC1 2014/05/23
RC2 2014/05/30
RC3 2014/06/06
RC4 2014/06/13
Luna 2014/06/25 Eclipse Simultaneous Release (official)