Eclipse EMF Compare 3.3.3

EMF Compare 3.3.3 will mainly focus on user experience, mainly improving on the performance and the UI locking that could still happen on some operations.

Release Date
Release Type
Service release (bug fixes only)
Name Date Description
3.3.3M1 2017/08/08
3.3.3M2 2017/09/18
3.3.3M3 2017/10/31
3.3.3M4 2017/12/12
3.3.3M5 2018/01/30
3.3.3M6 2018/03/13
3.3.3M7 2018/05/15
3.3.3RC1 2018/05/22
3.3.3RC2 2018/05/29
3.3.3RC3 2018/06/05
3.3.3RC4 2018/06/12
3.3.3 2018/06/27