Eclipse EMF Compare 3.3.3



EMF Compare 3.3.3 will mainly focus on user experience, mainly improving on the performance and the UI locking that could still happen on some operations.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Non-Code Aspects

Continuous Integration

The project is built from the EMF Compare HIPP through Tycho. A nightly is built once a day if the SCM polling sees a change from the last build.

Unit Tests

2000+ unit tests launched on every build.

Code coverage is about 75% of the code base.

Code Quality

Common formatter and compiler configuration used throughout the whole project's plug-ins.

Checkstyle activated on all distinct plug-ins.

Eclemma used on a regular basis to ensure and improve code coverage from the unit tests.

Yourkit java Profiler used on a regular basis to improved performances and avoid bottlenecks.

Findbugs launched on a regular basis to avoid detectable bugs.

Javadoc represents about 40% of the java source code.

An analysis of the code base is available on Open Hub.

Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
Usability Details

EMF Compare is conforming to the Eclipse user interface guidelines.

Localization : integrated into Babel

End of Life

There are no outstanding issues with the API state of this release. All mehods and classes that face deletion have been marked as deprecated with instructions on how to switch to the new behavior, and will stay in the code base until the next release.


No standard exists concerning the model comparison, though EMF Compare works nicely with any standard-based metamodel.

Since the 1.2 release a specific support for the UML standard is included in EMF Compare. This is also included in the later streams.