Eclipse GMF Notation

The Eclipse GMF Notation Project provides a standard Eclipse EMF notational meta model.

The notational meta model is a standard means for persisting diagram information separately from the domain model.

It can also be used as a basis for diagram interchange and was based on the principles in the OMG Diagram Interchange Specification

This project is part of Ganymede, Galileo, Helios, Indigo, Juno, Kepler, Luna, Mars, Neon
Latest Releases

From 2017-09-28 to 2006-06-27

Name Date Review
1.11.0 2017-09-28
1.10.0 2016-06-22
1.9.0 2015-06-24
1.8.0 2014-06-25
1.7.0 2013-06-26
1.6.0 2012-06-24
1.5.0 2011-06-24
1.4.1 2010-09-24
1.4.0 2010-06-23
1.3.2 2010-02-26
1.3.1 2009-09-25
1.3.0 2009-06-24
1.2.2 2008-09-17
1.2.1 2007-09-28
1.2.0 2007-06-21
1.0.3 2007-02-09
1.0.2 2006-10-27
1.0.1 2006-09-26
1.0.0 2006-06-27
Eclipse Public License 1.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

Active Member Companies

Member companies supporting this project over the last three months.

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