EMF-IncQuery 0.7.0

EMF-IncQuery is a high perfomance incremental graph search framework. With IncQuery, you can define declarative queries over EMF models, and execute them efficiently without manual Java coding (think SPARQL for EMF). The intuitive, Xtext-base query language is based on graph patterns that provide high (OCL-like) expressive power with a more concise, reusability-focused syntax that also supports integrating inline Xbase/Java. This versatile language is supported by a high performance query evaluation engine based on the Rete algorithm, known from expert systems. With this technology, EMF-IncQuery can provide real-time query evaluation performance (that is, instantaneous re-evaluation as the models change) for really complex queries over very large instance models (up to several millions of EObjects in size).

In addition to the model query features, EMF-IncQuery provides built-in support for the specification and execution of model validation rules that will be checked on-the-fly, and the specification and automatic maintenance of derived features (edges and attributes) that support EMF notifications out of the box.

Release Date
Name Date Description
M1 2013/02/14 First milestone available from eclipse.org
M2 2013/03/08 Stability milestone, includes all stability-related fixes in preparation for M3.
M3 2013/05/23 Includes all API breaking changes since 0.6.x series, intended to form an API baseline for the 0.7.0 release.
M4 2013/06/10 All important bugfixed in preparation for the final 0.7.0. release.