Eclipse OCL (Object Constraint Language) 3.1.0

Release Date

The release deliverables for the Eclipse (MDT) OCL 3.1 release have the same form as is found in most Eclipse projects, namely:

  • OCL SDK (includes runtime, sources, examples, and documentation) (downloadable and update site).
  • OCL runtime binary distribution (downloadable and update site).
  • OCL stand-alone binary distribution (downloadable).
  • OCL tests (downloadable)
  • OCL examples (downloadable and update site)

Eclipse (MDT) OCL 3.1.0 source code will be available as versions tagged "R3_1" in the project's CVS repository.


The Eclipse OCL 3.1 project will be developed in parallel, and released simultaneously, with the following projects.

  • Eclipse Platform SDK version 3.7
  • Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) version 2.7
  • Model Development Tools (MDT) UML2 version 3.2

As described above, the Eclipse OCL 3.1.0 release should address usability of the editors. The main OCL plugins should be unaffected, but the associated examples plugins may be revised significantly. Again as described above, the Eclipse OCL 3.2.0 release for Juno will introduce significant new APIs in a new namespace that replaces the old. The old namespace will be deprecated once all Simultaneous Release projects have migrated to the new namespace.


The Eclipse Platform is designed as the basis for internationalized products. The user interface elements provided by the Eclipse SDK components, including dialogs and error messages, are externalized. The English strings are provided as the default resource bundles. As a result, the Eclipse OCL project will provide English strings in its default bundles and be localized to a subset of those locales offered by the Platform.

Target Environments

In order to remain current, each Eclipse release targets reasonably current versions of the underlying operating environments. The Eclipse Object Constraint Language (OCL) project depends upon on the Platform and other projects, which are mostly "pure" Java. The 3.7 release of the Eclipse Platform Project is written and compiled against version 5.0 of the Java Platform APIs, and targeted to run on version 5.0 of the Java Runtime Environment, Standard Edition. Eclipse OCL will target the same Java version as EMF and UML2, which currently require Java 5. Eclipse Platform SDK 3.7 will be tested and validated on a number of reference platforms. MDT OCL will be tested and validated against a subset of those listed for the platform.



This theme addresses issues related to the OMG OCL 2.3 specification adoption. The bugs related to the inherited deviations of the Eclipse OCL implementation from the OCL 2.0 specification (and consequently, OCL 2.3) also appear here. It is anticipated that fixes for the majority of the target 3.2.0 will appear in the revised Eclipse OCL Examples code in 3.1.0, but this will not be promoted to replace the traditional behaviour until 3.2.0.
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Release Currency

The Eclipse OCL project will maintain currency with its dependencies, in particular with the EMF and MDT UML2 projects.
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This theme addresses the need for extensibility and usability improvements of the Eclipse OCL language implementation and APIs. It is anticipated that fixes for the majority of the target 3.2.0 will appear in the revised Eclipse OCL Examples code in 3.1.0, but this will not be promoted to replace the traditional behaviour until 3.2.0.
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This theme addresses issues related to prototyping resolutions of problems in the OMG OCL 2.3 specification and enhancements in future specifications. OMG issues will be raised and RTF proposed resolutions submitted in order to It is anticipated that fixes for the majority of the target 3.2.0 will appear in the revised Eclipse OCL Examples code in 3.1.0, but this will not be promoted to replace the traditional behaviour until 3.2.0.
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This release is part of Indigo