Eclipse Requirements Modeling Framework™ 0.12.0

Release Date

This release will be delivered via a p2 repository including SDK (runtime, sources and documentation), non-SDK (runtime only) and examples.


The RMF plug-ins are prepared for internalization using the usual Eclipse mechanism. Default language is English. Currently no other translations exist.

Target Environments

This release targets a defined set of other Eclipse components (e.g. platform, EMF, etc.) originating from the following release trains:

  • Juno (Eclipse 4.2)
  • Kepler (Eclipse 4.3)
  • Luna (Eclipse 4.4)

Additionally, RMF requires at least version 0.8.0 of the EMF Serialization plugin of the Eclipse Sphinx project.


RMF builds and testing is based on Eclipse Juno (3.8.2).

RMF works with Java 6 or higher. (However, some tests require Java 7)