Eclipse QVT Operational 3.7.0



This release is primarily focused on quality improvements during the Oxygen release cycle.

Also release will spend efforts on supporting QVT 1.3 OMG Standard ( in part related to Operational language.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

The QVTo project is separated in different parts:

  1. The stand alone QVTo parser
  2. The stand alone QVTo interpreter/executor with full support for BlackBox libraries
  3. The tooling with the editor, the debugger, etc
  4. QVTo Code Coverage tooling with JUnit integration support
Security Issues

There is currently no security issue as far as QVTo is concerned.

Non-Code Aspects

The build uses Buckminster on the Qvt-oml HIPP.

~3000 tests are launched on regular basic that cover all aspects of provided functionality (parser, executor, standalone, UI editor/completion, debugger, unparsing, etc.). 

Usability Details

QVTo Editor is conforming to the Eclipse user interface guidelines.

The debugger exploits the standard debugger framework.

Other tooling uses standard widgets.

End of Life

There are no specific end of life concerns for this release.


QVT 1.3 OMG Standard


The QVT-OML newsgroup has a moderate level of traffic.

This release is part of Eclipse Oxygen