Eclipse Sirius 7.0.6

This version includes several bug fixes in tree representations, and also moves to the latest version of Apache Batik (1.16) which fixes several security issues compared to the previously used version 1.14.

  • Bug 580950 - Displaying a SVG image breaks the main thread's context class loader
  • Bug 581016 - Adapt the code of delete actions to work with a DDiagramEditor embedded in a MultiPageEditor
  • Bug 580803 - Wrong direct edit behavior on tree item
  • Bug 581007 - Unable to validate VSM with new utility variables declaration
  • Bug 581015 - Add "expand all" and "collapse all" feature in tree editor
  • Bug 580802 - It's not possible to select an existing EObject after a tool execution
  • Bug 580801 - Unfold an item of a tree doesn't work with the arrow of the keyboard
  • Bug 581011 - Move to Batik 1.16

This version is part of Eclipse 2022-12.

It is available at


Release Date
Release Type
Service release (bug fixes only)
This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2022-12