Eclipse UML Profiles Repository 0.9.0 incubation

This will be the first release of UPR in incubation stage. This release is planned to be a very stable release, so a following graduation release 1.0 should be fully compatible.

At least the following profiles are planned to be part of the release:

  • UML Testing Profile
  • SoaML Profile
  • DEPL Profile

Review phase starts with November 12.

Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
Name Date Description
M1 2014/06/04 This milestone marks feature completeness. No further profile will be added to the release from this point and all functionality (e.g. derived properties in profiles) is implemented. From now on only testing and bug fixing should be done.
RC 1 2014/10/29 Release Candidate 1 is released with Eclipse Kepler support only.
RC 2 2014/11/05 Release Candidate 2 will be released if there are no further known bugs. If in the time till the release no new bugs are found, this will be the 0.9 release.