Eclipse UML Profiles Repository 0.9.0 incubation

Release Date

We will deliver UPR in form of an Eclipse Update Site containing the profile implementation. This Implementation will only have dependencies to the update sites of the supported Eclipse release trains (Luna and eventually Kepler).



TBD, compatibility to Kepler, Luna, or both. Currently it seems like 0.9 will only support Kepler officially, due to an issue with the OCL implementation, which will be fixed on Luna SR2 in February 2015. Some features (like UTP) will already work on Luna.

Target Environments
  • Eclipse Kepler
  • Eclipse Luna (TBD, possibly only for a subset of profiles)
Name Date Description
M1 2014/06/04 This milestone marks feature completeness. No further profile will be added to the release from this point and all functionality (e.g. derived properties in profiles) is implemented. From now on only testing and bug fixing should be done.
RC 1 2014/10/29 Release Candidate 1 is released with Eclipse Kepler support only.
RC 2 2014/11/05 Release Candidate 2 will be released if there are no further known bugs. If in the time till the release no new bugs are found, this will be the 0.9 release.

Unified Repository

UPR should hold implementations of standardized profiles, that would otherwise be distributed over several projects of the Eclipse foundation. The aim is to move the implementations to UPR