Model Focusing Tools


The scope of this project is to bring Mylyn's task-focused interface to modeling tools:

  • Diagram editors, such as for Ecore and UML models
  • Model Navigators
  • Model Outlines
  • EMF generated editors
  • Other modeling views

The scope expands to other modeling technologies as well, which could include:

  • Graphiti based editors and views supporting non-EMF based tools
  • Forms-based editors using EEF
  • Textual models using XText

It is out of scope to provide integration of modeling technologies for other Mylyn projects.

Name Date
0.9.4 2015-06-24
0.9.3 2014-06-26
0.9.2 2013-06-26
0.9.1 2012-09-07
0.9.0 2012-06-27
Name Date
0.9.0 Release Review 2012-06-13
Creation 2011-11-23