Eclipse Stardust 3.1.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.



  • Support for Benchmark Definition
  • New Global Permissions for
    • managing runtime artifacts
    • modifying data via the document management service
    • modifying the Audit Trail database
    • modifying activity instances
    • modifying activity and process instances attributes
  • Correspondence Feature to generate Correspondence from pre-defined Templates
  • Transition of the Stardust Portal UI to HTML(5) Technologies (ongoing)
  • New Auditor Role for read-only Authorization
  • General Portal Enhancements
    • Participant Manager View enhancements (support for new Auditor role and usability enhancements)
    • Authorization Manager View enhancements (support for the Allow and Deny authorization and usability enhancements)
    • Provide resubmission information for Activity views, Resubmission view and available resources views
    • Support for new "Related" link type in Process Details View
  • Business Modeler Enhancements
    • Overwrite option for Model deployment
    • Flag to allow bulk completion from Worklists for Interactive Activities
    • Support for Quality Assurance Codes
    • Support for Application Retries
    • Support for Resubmission Pattern
    • Authorization tab to define declarative security
    • Model Version Check and Upgrade
  • Technology Preview for Importing and Exporting Audit Trail Information

More details can be found in the releasenotes.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

Project Stardust has a modular architecture strongly based on established Java technology standards and leveraging standard components wherever feasible (see the corresponding section of Graduation Review documentation for more information).

Stardust offers many hooks to extend and customize functionality by implementing Service Provider Interfaces (SPIs). See[1] , [2] and the examples given in [3].

Eclipse modeling functionality is heavily leveraging functionality provided by other eclipse projects, most notably EMF, GEF, WTP, JST, JDT. Public APIs were used where possible. All residual usage of internal interfaces is documented in Bugzilla and will be reviewed in later releases (see references in Bug 402286).


Security Issues

No Security issues.

Non-Code Aspects

All currently present project, infrastructure and user documentation has been improved. You can find us on YouTube with tutorials.

Usability Details
  • All eclipse modeler UI components were designed and implemented in the spirit of the Eclipse User Interface Guidelines

  • Usage of Stardust eclipse modeling functionality is facilitated by Cheat Sheets.

  • Browser portal and modeler functionality user interface is following similar principles but had to be adapted in some respects due to the technical requirements of html 5 components


The Stardust 2.0 release supports, is compliant with or is based on the following standards:

